What is the Phone number to Call a Taxi?
131008 (within the Mackay and Whitsunday region)
Mackay: 07 49 444 955 (from anywhere else)
Whitsunday: 07 49 444 955 (from anywhere else

Can a Driver Charge a Deposit?
According to legislation, drivers can request a deposit for a fare in advance. The fare should be equal to or less than what the fare could be. For more information download the Taxi User Guide.

Why is my Taxi Late Sometimes?
Mackay Taxi Holdings is the contracted dispatch company for the Mackay Taxi Service Area. Whilst our people are dedicated to dispatching a taxi to you as soon as possible, unfortunately, taxis encounter issues and are influenced by factors which are beyond our control from time to time.
Disruptions can occur due to many factors and occur in every mode of transport including your own vehicle, airlines, buses, rail and limousines.
Mackay Taxi Holdings sincerely apologises that we are unable to offer refunds or reimbursements due to influences beyond our control.

What are the EFTPOS Charges?
All taxis in the Mackay Taxi Service Area are fitted with Cabcharge Fareway EFTPOS System. Cabcharge charge 4% (plus GST) on top of the metered fare to pay by EFTPOS or Credit Card. To find out about specific charges and how they affect you please click here to go to the Cabcharge website.

How much does it cost to hire a Maxi Taxi?
A hired Maxi Taxi for 5 passengers or more will incur an alteration to the tariff. These are tariff 7, 8 or 9. This equates to a total fare of a conventional taxi plus 50%. This applies to bookings only.
Hailed Maxi Taxis and wheelchair customers do not incur this charge.

Can i Request a Specific Driver?
Unfortunately, requesting a specific driver or type of driver can be considered discrimination. Therefore specific requests cannot be processed.